Self Storage right in your backyard, Glendale!
Now, let’s figure out your storage needs.
Convenient access to your self-storage facility is important. Locally-owned Valley Self Storage is right down the street from Glendale, OH. We’re right down Route 4 on the border of Wyoming and Woodlawn. See our location here.
But how much self-storage do you need?
Convenience and price are two important factors in selecting your self-storage unit. Just as important is how many square feet (ft2) of space do you need for all your stuff?
A General Guide for Unit Size
Here is a general guide to choosing the right size storage unit for your needs:
Small units (25-50 ft2) are ideal for storing a few small items, such as seasonal decorations, files, or sports equipment.
Medium units (75-150 ft2) are a good choice for storing the belongings from a one- or two-bedroom apartment.
Large units (200-400 ft2) are about right for storing the belongings from a two or three-bedroom house.
Getting Specific Can Save Time and Hassle
Taking the time to assess your needs more accurately can save you the expense of paying for more space than you need or finding your storage space is too small. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right size storage unit for your needs:
Make a list of all the easy-to-measure items you plan to store in your unit. Things like boxes, furniture, totes, sports equipment.
Measure each, note the height and width of each to arrive at a square foot (ft2) for each. Think about floor space. For example, a bed mattress takes up much less floor space stored on its side or end.
Now, think about what can be stacked in a stable manner. For example, if you have five 2x2 stackable boxes, they will only take up 4 ft2 of space on the floor of your unit when stacked. Our units range from nine to ten feet high.
Important note: It’s critical to think about stacking. Corrugated boxes can be stacked but to avoid your boxes falling over, use identically-sized boxes and go from heaviest on the bottom to lightest on the top. Even better, use sturdy plastic bins designed for stacking available at larger hardware stores.
Once you’ve accounted for the ft2 for the items that will sit on your unit’s floor, add it up to estimate how many ft2 in total. Then add at least another 10-20% to:
Avoid damaging your items.
Assure you have enough space for future needs.
Avoid having to cram all your belongings into a unit that's too small.
Give you space to access your items.
Do You Need Drive-Up Access?
All Valley Self Storage units are accessible without stairs or ramps. Most of our 10x10 and larger units are available with drive-up access, meaning that you can park immediately next to your unit. Most of our smaller units are accessible through a front door, or through a large garage door that can be opened by the property manager for move in and move out. We offer free use of dollies and hand carts to assist as well.
Let’s get you moved in, Glendale. We are proud to be a part of the Mill Creek Valley community.